5 min read

Pregnancies, Births and Abortions

A few days ago, as I was applying for jobs, I wanted to have a fresh project that I could show off, and I thought abortions!! This data is from before the supreme court’s Dobbs decision and it doesn’t include complications or death from restrictions to reproductive health, so unfortunately I can’t show the ties between those two things. It does show a general overview of trends by age group and states over time. I’m actually proud of this, I did a lot in a few hours. I even got to making some custom functions from subsetting data to making maps. Then I ended up making it into a dashboard, ‘cause of course!! If you want that though, you’ll have to go to the codeberg link below… Anyway, here’s what I wrote and I’m just gonna show some visualizations; specifically, data in raw numbers, and not rates (cases per 1,000 birthing people) or ratios (cases per 1,000 births).

Load libraries


NationalAndStatePregnancy <- read_csv("NationalAndStatePregnancy_PublicUse.csv")

NSP <- tibble(NationalAndStatePregnancy) %>%
  select(!c(notes, versiondate, populationsource)) %>%
  pivot_longer(3:101, names_to = "names", values_to = "values") %>%
  mutate(category = case_when(
    str_detect(names, "pregnancy|pregnancies") ~ "pregnancy",
    str_detect(names, "abortion") ~ "abortion",
    str_detect(names, "birth") ~ "birth",
    str_detect(names, "miscarriage") ~ "miscarriage",
    str_detect(names, "population") ~ "population",
    TRUE ~ "other"
  )) %>%
  relocate(category, .before = names) %>%
  mutate(subcategory = case_when(
    str_detect(names, "total") ~ "total",
    str_detect(names, "rate") ~ "rate",
    str_detect(names, "ratio") ~ "ratio",
    TRUE ~ "number"
  )) %>%
  relocate(subcategory, .after = category) %>%
  mutate(names = case_when(
    str_detect(names, "lt15") ~ "14 and Younger",
    str_detect(names, "1517") ~ "15 to 17",
    str_detect(names, "1819") ~ "18 to 19",
    str_detect(names, "1519") ~ "15 to 19",
    str_detect(names, "lt20") ~ "19 and Younger",
    str_detect(names, "2024") ~ "20 to 24",
    str_detect(names, "2529") ~ "25 to 29",
    str_detect(names, "3034") ~ "30 to 34",
    str_detect(names, "3539") ~ "35 to 39",
    str_detect(names, "40plus") ~ "40 and Older",
    str_detect(names, "1544") ~ "15 to 44",
    TRUE ~ names

Create function to subset data by state, category (pregnancy, abortion, birth, miscarriage, population) and subcategory (number, rate, ratio). Then create functions to visualize the data for each subcaregory.

subdata <- function(sta, cat, sub) {
  subNSP <- NSP %>%
    filter(state == sta,
           category == cat,
           subcategory == sub) %>%
    filter(!(names %in% c("15 to 19", "15 to 44", "19 and Younger"))) %>%
    select(!c(state, category, subcategory))

numberviz <- function(dat, tit) {
  vizNSP <- dat %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = year, y = values, fill = names)) +
    geom_col() +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_number(suffix = "M", scale = 1e-6)) +
    ggtitle(paste("U.S.", tit, "by Age Group and Year", sep = " ")) +
    labs(subtitle = "1973 to 2020",
         x = "Year", y = tit, fill = "Age") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

rateviz <- function(dat, tit) {
  vizNSP <- dat %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = year, y = values, color = names)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_smooth() +
    ggtitle(paste("U.S.", tit, "by Age Group and Year", sep = " ")) +
    labs(subtitle = "1973 to 2020",
         x = "Year", y = tit, color = "Age") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

ratioviz <- function(dat) {
  vizNSP <- dat %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = year, y = names, fill = values)) +
    geom_tile() +
    ggtitle("U.S. Abortions per 1,000 Births by Age Group and Year") +
    labs(subtitle = "1973 to 2020",
         x = "Year", y = "Age", fill = "Ratio") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Call the functions

NSP_US_POP <- subdata("US", "population", "number")
NSP_US_POP_VIZ <- numberviz(NSP_US_POP, "Population")

NSP_US_Pregnancy <- subdata("US", "pregnancy", "number")
NSP_US_Pregnancy_VIZ <- numberviz(NSP_US_Pregnancy, "Pregnancies")
NSP_US_Pregnancy_Rate <- subdata("US", "pregnancy", "rate")
NSP_US_Pregnancy_Rate_VIZ <- rateviz(NSP_US_Pregnancy_Rate, "Pregnancy Rates")

NSP_US_Abortion <- subdata("US", "abortion", "number")
NSP_US_Abortion_VIZ <- numberviz(NSP_US_Abortion, "Abortions")
NSP_US_Abortion_Rate <- subdata("US", "abortion", "rate")
NSP_US_Abortion_Rate_VIZ <- rateviz(NSP_US_Abortion_Rate, "Abortion Rates")
NSP_US_Abortion_Ratio <- subdata("US", "abortion", "ratio")
NSP_US_Abortion_Ratio_VIZ <- ratioviz(NSP_US_Abortion_Ratio)

NSP_US_Birth <- subdata("US", "birth", "number")
NSP_US_Birth_VIZ <- numberviz(NSP_US_Birth, "Births")
NSP_US_Birth_Rate <- subdata("US", "birth", "rate")
NSP_US_Birth_Rate_VIZ <- rateviz(NSP_US_Birth_Rate, "Birth Rates")

NSP_US_Miscarriage <- subdata("US", "miscarriage", "number")
NSP_US_Miscarriage_VIZ <- numberviz(NSP_US_Miscarriage, "Miscarriages")

Get a map of the US and create functions to join the map with the data and visualize it

map <- us_map() %>%
  rename(state = abbr)

mapdata <- function(yea, cat, sub) {
  subNSP <- NSP %>%
    filter(state != c("US"),
           year == yea,
           category == cat,
           subcategory == "total") %>%
    select(!c(category, subcategory))
  if (sub == "number") {
    subNSP <- subNSP[!grepl("rate|ratio", subNSP$names), ]
  } else if (sub == "rate") {
    subNSP <- subNSP[!grepl("ratio|abortions|births|miscarriages|pregnancies", subNSP$names), ]
  } else if (sub == "ratio") {
    subNSP <- subNSP[!grepl("rate|abortions|births|miscarriages|pregnancies", subNSP$names), ]
  subMap <- left_join(map, subNSP, by = "state") %>%
    select(!c(year, names, fips, full)) %>%
    relocate(values, .after = state)

mapviz <- function(dat, tit, yea) {
  viz <- ggplot(dat) +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = values)) +
    scale_fill_continuous(labels = function(x) {
      ifelse(x >= 1000, paste0(round(x/1000), "k"), x)
    }) +
    ggtitle(paste("U.S.", tit, yea, sep = " ")) +
    labs(fill = tit) +
    theme_void() +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          legend.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Call the function

NSP_US_Pregnancy_Total <- mapdata(2020, "pregnancy", "number")
NSP_US_Pregnancy_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Pregnancy_Total, "Pregnancies", 2020)
NSP_US_Pregnancy_Rate_Total <- mapdata(2020, "pregnancy", "rate")
NSP_US_Pregnancy_Rate_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Pregnancy_Rate_Total, "Pregnancy Rate", 2020) +
  labs(subtitle = "per 1,000 Birthing People")

NSP_US_Abortion_Total <- mapdata(2020, "abortion", "number")
NSP_US_Abortion_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Abortion_Total, "Abortions", 2020)
NSP_US_Abortion_Rate_Total <- mapdata(2020, "abortion", "rate")
NSP_US_Abortion_Rate_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Abortion_Rate_Total, "Abortion Rate", 2020) +
  labs(subtitle = "per 1,000 Birthing People")
NSP_US_Abortion_Ratio_Total <- mapdata(2020, "abortion", "ratio")
NSP_US_Abortion_Ratio_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Abortion_Ratio_Total, "Abortion Ratio", 2020) +
  labs(subtitle = "per 1,000 Births")

NSP_US_Birth_Total <- mapdata(2020, "birth", "number")
NSP_US_Birth_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Birth_Total, "Births", 2020)
NSP_US_Birth_Rate_Total <- mapdata(2020, "birth", "rate")
NSP_US_Birth_Rate_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Birth_Rate_Total, "Birth Rate", 2020) +
  labs(subtitle = "per 1,000 Birthing People")

NSP_US_Miscarriage_Total <- mapdata(2020, "miscarriage", "number")
NSP_US_Miscarriage_Total_VIZ <- mapviz(NSP_US_Miscarriage_Total, "Miscarriages", 2020)


Maddow-Zimet I, Kost K and Finn S, Pregnancies, Births and Abortions in the United States: National and State Trends by Age, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2020. Data set [versiondate] retrieved from osf.io/kthnf

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